Tigers Heartland- Tadoba

Welcome to Tadoba, the Tiger's Heartland—Maharashtra's largest national park. Its expansive territory boasts dense tropical and deciduous woodlands, with forested hills forming a natural boundary to the north and west. As the terrain gracefully slopes from north to south, thick forests give way to smooth meadows and deep valleys. Throughout the reserve, you'll discover a mosaic of grassy patches and bamboo thickets, creating an ideal haven for wildlife. Tadoba proudly shares the spotlight with Ranthambore and Bandhavgarh, boasting one of India's highest tiger densities. Here, the elusive big cats often grace the stage during daylight, making it a tiger hot spot. But Tadoba is not just about tigers. It's a sanctuary for wild dogs and sloth bears, adding a layer of excitement to every exploration. Birdwatchers, too, find their paradise here, with 200 + bird species soaring through the skies, creating a symphony of colors and melodies. Embark on a journey through Tadoba, where every turn unveils a new chapter in the wild saga—where nature's heartbeat echoes in the rustle of leaves and the majestic presence of the tiger defines the rhythm of this untamed land.

  • Our standard 3 Nights and 4 Days plans start @ INR 44000 + GST
  • Inclusions: 3 Nights and 4 Days, 4 stars and + Accommodation + Meals, 4 Gamedrives- 4 sharing+ Transfers
  • Itineraries can be customized on request.